In which Chaya gets pithy with some wisdom quotes you won't want to miss...
And so, I thank you, Jews, every single one of you...When I pray, you’re in it with me, joining me in that most vulnerable mission. Whether you’re in synagogue with me, or at another one miles away, or in a different time zone, or still asleep, I have to believe we are connected.
What will you do with all of this outrageous beauty?
Like an alcoholic I feel like saying, "It's after Yom Kippur somewhere", as I crack open my spirit once again. Maybe I should stop. I've had over thirty Yom Kippurs already and I need to drive home.
My crime? I’d rather be having my own ingathering than awaiting an engraved invitation to objectification.
Death, you are my hugest fear, but also a sneaky beam of brilliant hope for transcendence.
No angel of G0d came, no replacement animal happened by the scene. Abraham slashed down at the neck of his blessed son, spilling his blood on the holy mountain.
I feel like a visitor to the earth. This place is absurd but oddly thrilling. I've learned to cope and even enjoy it. I may not be home, but I'm here.