JoinedNovember 25, 2014
Elizabeth is a Jerusalemite with a Rebbe Nachman-stickered laptop and a melody filling her heart. An aspiring “creative soul,” Liz can be found studying Talmud and doodling endlessly in the margins. An empathy enthusiast, she is driven equally by curiosity and free coffee.
He notices the book I’ve pulled out from my bag; we’ve read it before and it’s one he adores, but selfishly, this selection was in service of my own emotional longings, an effort to fulfill the day’s requisite mourning. By the way, did you know that Anne Frank wrote children’s stories?
"She knows /She has nothing to lose, /she cannot Be diminished. She is Netzach -
the victory not predicated on competition or power over another
But an inner loving-power."
I embrace the fabric-layered “baby” Torah, as if pouring some amount of my angst and despair into its compact, but miraculously enduring body. Could it understand?
I made sure to be home by eight p.m for the funeral. I felt compelled; it was the “right thing to do.” But it was something more, I couldn’t explain. For Manny Mittleman’s funeral, I needed to bear witness. On this occasion, I needed to be home, just for a moment, if only through a screen. These were, underneath it all, “my” people; this was my community still. Beyond knowing what exactly that meant to me, I knew it was true.
"But I want to get there NOW! I want to get up north and go be mindful already, damnit!" Sigh.
Okay, but we all need the things we need to get by.
There are certainly those who would say my life began a new chapter this past Tuesday. At age twenty-four I...
Apparently humans are the only animals that plan ahead for the future. At least that’s been the conventional belief. Recent research on scrub jays and certain types of monkeys challenges this assumption, and presents deeper questions on what it means exactly to relate mentally and emotionally to the future, or...
“The fish snake makes Zionist hip-hop.” It sounds even more ridiculous – and badass – when chanted in a club...