I figured out what I most liked about the book Ariel Samson, Freelance Rabbi on its last page, in its very last line.
A poem on a Penn Station wall inspired my own poem about what I want, need, and hope for at this difficult moment.
A Yom Kippur reflection on the yearning for Gd in the midst of running away from His people.
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I thought I knew who I was, but how much of me was really me?
Keep calm and...feel G-d's mysterious presence within the chaos?
I explore all kinds of things that are weird to think about and invite you to join me.
The difference between what those in the Diaspora are doing with their bodies and what Israelis are doing with their hearts.
My Rav doesn't understand about my bartender. I haven't ever had the chance to tell him this, but I think G-d draws me to this young man. I think She wants me to tell him something.