You’re only psychologically tricking yourself into artificial empathy that will get you nowhere.
It feels strange to start my writing on Hevria by admitting I'm speechless. But they wouldn't let me publish a niggun.
Yes, my justice-driven friends, there IS an occupation happening in Israel. It is a PreOccupation - and it is taking over all of our computer screens.
I need you for my starry-eyed revolution, my sexy insurrection.
I am talking about a desirous uprising.
Who will join my love-army of Cosmic Carrots?
We can live life with the focus on the inevitability of death... or we can live life with hope.
A poem:
"You pray for silkworms and butterflies.
Dance, and your twisting wrists chafe against shackles.
Sing, and grey moths escape your open throat."
This ain’t no single, this is a concept album. Let’s call this track two, continued from “What the F*** Is...
Something changed for our family as we experienced terror and went from the fourth night of Chanukah, to the fifth.
I was 4 years old when I asked my dad about the oiled African American muscle men in majestic flexed poses, “Why is he brown?” That was when I first realized there could be offense attached to skin color.
The days of black and white definitions are gone. We are colorful, dynamic and full of texture -- and our connection to Gd defies all bins.