The video for Hapax Legomenon is a hauntingly beautiful peek into the soul of the Universe.
Sara Erenthal's art brings joy and healing to the community.
“Soon By You” does a great job of playing on otherwise tired Jewish stereotypes like how all women are named “Sarah” and how out of the box it is to be anything other than a rabbi or a lawyer. While it’s easy for us to laugh at the cliches of the Jewish world many of us are immersed in, “Soon By You” really aims to show how painful all of it can be.
Season 2, Episode 2 of Soon By You
Zayah's song and video are a joyful reminder of the importance of gratitude.
The Leviim Gallery exemplifies Chabad ideals.
Toward a Hot Jew takes the reader on a beautifully illustrated ride through Jewish culture, Israeliness, identity theory, identity politics, Israeli politics, political theory and so much more.
The religious stuff, the Holocaust stuff, the passing inclusion of an oy — they’re all a part of the story, but are they the story?
Attempting to deal with the darkness in this world, I was moved to respond to the terror in the way...
The series combines 80's nostalgia with modern day issues.