In the star-strewn field where we meet... Before the gates close... Hold me in a slow-dance ecstatic embrace.
Eve lives inside my skin...she is primal, she is woman, she is curious, she is new, she is wild...Eve is not "The fallen slut that caused all the trouble," though oversimplifications of texts would have us believe that.
Like Harry Potter, he showed us that we were special, not because we were born with this secret legacy, being Jewish, but because of what we chose to do with it.
Oh emoji, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love emoji for the same reason I love dance. It gives me a way to communicate when words fail me, which they do, often.
It was my last learning session with my kallah teacher, the woman who was responsible to teach me all the...
I exist beyond biology....I am a warrior and my cause is honesty...I choose to feel everything.
Bonding over salads and stories, a relationship changes forever.
It was funny, it was tricky, but there was also wisdom in there. I feel like that day, I learned something about being Orthodox, something important and fundamental, that I hadn't ever known before.
Why we need to reclaim the most important conversation we could ever have with our chidren.
Gaining weight? Gain wisdom instead. Here's how...