I lowered the criteria for success. A lot. Try it!
But why can't every day with G-d be a chag? A holiday. If G-d is everywhere then why can he only enter the field one month out of the lowly year?
I was recently invited to give a talk to rabbinical students. My first reaction was, “Who am I to address such a distinguished group?” Then I realized I had a lot to say.
My youngest brother always had a spacial place in my heart. I watched him grow through years of yeshiva and then, little by little, as his relationship with Orthodox Judaism shifted and morphed into something that belongs to only him and G-d.
Oh emoji, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love emoji for the same reason I love dance. It gives me a way to communicate when words fail me, which they do, often.
Love, hatred, truth, elephants, homesickness, jealousy, God, and much more.
G-d does not need us to protect His reputation -- nor to use Him to protect ours.
I don't like to pray-- at least not the kind of prayer that involves a prayerbook. Maybe its too regimented. Maybe I’m not disciplined enough. Or maybe I just never learnt how to pray.
A New Year's Eve love story that almost wasn't.