Stop me if you’ve heard this one before.
Restore I/Me/Us/We to our natural state.
Remind I/Me/Us/We that all we actually do is vibrate.
Reuven Chaim Moshe Ben Moshe Chaim Reuven stared out the pod bay window. Another distant planet disappeared out of view, and he let out a sigh. His ship, the Nebuchadnezzar, stabilized and went into hyperdrive. Shabbos was coming, he thought.
What will you do with all of this outrageous beauty?
Over the next two weeks, the Hevria writers have been challenged to write about the things they're most uncomfortable expressing. Welcome to "Truth And Dare".
Abortion is not wrong, but its ramifications may be more enormous than most of us imagine. Reviews of books, theater, and other art forms aren't wrong either, but often they're anti-soul.
A Yom Kippur reflection on the yearning for Gd in the midst of running away from His people.
Amy Steinberg has a brand new album out called Broken Open. It has the power to break you open, too. It is...