JoinedJune 11, 2014
More than a few people on their way out or fully out of the fold have asked me how I could choose Chabad as a way of life. "You had every choice in the world. WHY would you choose this? WHY would anyone choose this?" I am going to answer that question as earnestly as possible through this imaginary conversation between someone who is on his or her way out and me. I'm not trying to answer for every chozer/chozeret b'teshuvah -- these are my answers.
What do you do when you have a horrible singing voice but you love to sing? You have a baby.
Call a Rav. Or do you just want to stir up an argument on Facebook about whether or not it’s kosher to eat broccoli?
Baalei teshuva get reminded of our backgrounds in the most obscure ways. Here's one example that's coming up a lot recently: Chassidim do not understand Polarfleece.
Somebody handed me a crying baby. There wasn't really a sense that I was a stranger.
Not a rebuttal of Elad's essay, but a very different perspective from a fellow nonconformist.
Days before Rosh Hashanah, I want to hear all your sense memories. If your year was a song, what would it be?
Elul is ON. I am fired up to change, to rearrange my life and to push myself past my perceived limitations.
This is the ultimate 1992 bat mitzvah party mix. I dare you not to dance.