Part of me still longs to feel a connection with G-d on a human level. Can G-d keep me company? Can I hang out with Hashem? We compare our relationship with G-d to that of one with a parent or a lover, but can G-d and I be friends?
G-d does not need us to protect His reputation -- nor to use Him to protect ours.
Genesis, art, and Hitchcock. Continuing where "I’m Done Being A Jewish Artist" left off.
I don't like to pray-- at least not the kind of prayer that involves a prayerbook. Maybe its too regimented. Maybe I’m not disciplined enough. Or maybe I just never learnt how to pray.
Like this post if you've ever had too many thoughts in your head at once. Like it if any of them have ever given you a shiver, or a stomachache, or a physical pain.
I had thought that I was being observant because it was the right thing to do. I was wrong.
I don't know how many more tears these stones can hold.
Among the surprises of pregnancy that I've experienced has been a flood of gratitude. Gratitude for everything, because pregnancy has made every small thing seem very, very important.
G-d is not a man. Let's get that straight. G-d isn't a woman either. G-d is a combination of the Divine feminine and the Divine masculine, which are intangible yet are manifested by humans.
Sometimes a little blend of a trailer-trash-gangsta-super-star mixed with the steady beat of Chassidic, Rabbinical giants is exactly what you need to move your own needle.