JoinedJune 23, 2014
Sarah is a Jewish educator, lecturer, and writer. She loves good music, good wine and Ba’al Shem Tov stories (in any order). She live in the Golan Heights with her husband and five children. Visit her at
Sometimes - a lot of times - I take myself waaaaaay to seriously. Here's a tiny peek at how I'm working to change that.
A snap shot from a recent drive on one of Israel's most beautiful roads, with some of Israel's finest engaging in the ancient art of silly jazz hands.
The time I showed up at the Kotel with a super bad attitude and landed a private audience with G-d’s best friend.
A unique look at what the Jewish mystics have to say about the spirituality of snow.
Mindfulness and all that stuff is nice, but what about when the moment, er, kind of blows?
There is very little you can do prepare yourself for a fall, but if you can manage to go down while in service of joy... well, that's the stuff that great falls are made of.
A letter to my daughters about why love is not a pop song and forgiveness takes guts.
Enjoy this playlist inspired by the dream theme in this week’s Torah portion Vayeitzei. I hope it encourages you (and me) to create conscious opportunities to dream our important dreams, and to wake with the all the stuff we need to build them in this world.
Sometimes a little blend of a trailer-trash-gangsta-super-star mixed with the steady beat of Chassidic, Rabbinical giants is exactly what you need to move your own needle.
I love it when traditional Jewish philosophy meets R&B. Enjoy this week's installment of parsha playlist.