The truth is shining real bright right before our eyes. None of us are free, If one of us is chained, None of us are free.
Children accustomed to hearing the booms of missile interceptions and air raid sirens, had witnessed something even more rare; lightening striking the earth right next to them!
Like an alcoholic I feel like saying, "It's after Yom Kippur somewhere", as I crack open my spirit once again. Maybe I should stop. I've had over thirty Yom Kippurs already and I need to drive home.
Nature is lovely as long as it's not too nature-y. Sukkot seems in harmony with that notion.
Take a tour of the spiritual opulence of Jerusalem in Sukkah season. Mystical enthusiasts the world over flock here like flies to Rosh Hashana honey. At the heart of this throbbing hub of spirit is Hagilboa street, home to a bevy of mystic magnates and inheritors of vast spiritual fortunes. See how the mystic upper-crust live.