I lowered the criteria for success. A lot. Try it!
A poem on a Penn Station wall inspired my own poem about what I want, need, and hope for at this difficult moment.
Deep yet funny questions from an insecure yet ravenously curious person.
A series of dilemmas, for readers and for me, that reach towards profound questions of ultimate meaning.
Love, hatred, truth, elephants, homesickness, jealousy, God, and much more.
No rehearsal, no practice time. But someone, something, is rooting for us.
Knowing other souls: glorious, but maybe the end of fun.
We're always talking about "it." It is glorious outside. It is a shame. But what IS this "it"?
My heartfelt, sometimes anguished thoughts and prayers for this special time of year. I need help, and I'm not afraid to ask.