He notices the book I’ve pulled out from my bag; we’ve read it before and it’s one he adores, but selfishly, this selection was in service of my own emotional longings, an effort to fulfill the day’s requisite mourning. By the way, did you know that Anne Frank wrote children’s stories?
I'm still sad about this chilling encounter.
My thoughts on the worth of digesting the tremors of the world around us.
Prayer, panic, and politics, in a poem.
Children are being torn from the arms of their mothers.
They mean it when they say that parenting does not come with an instruction manual. These are the questions that regularly come up for me.
The other half of the story and how much we still don't know.
A wise, hilarious boy discusses unfairness in school and beyond.
Sometimes it is through loss that we come to discovery.
Reflections from a teacher's first year in the pedagogical trenches.