They mean it when they say that parenting does not come with an instruction manual. These are the questions that regularly come up for me.
I lowered the criteria for success. A lot. Try it!
People in Disney World are kind and courteous. They are also being emotionally pampered by dozens of workers during their visit. Good places inspire people to give what they get.
Who knew you could learn so much from some plants?
There is always so much- bug. There’s a beauty to doing this, sitting with my about-to-be-salad, checking for bugs. If I used this kind of attitude in my daily life, I would be a much more- bug. Isn’t lettuce mostly water?
a true story and perhaps a cautionary tale
Sometimes life's biggest surprises can be found in the smallest details
In Jerusalem, it is possible to go to a holy place, just be there, and walk away feeling more centered and whole. New York takes more effort, and these places are my recommendations.