My sheitel is so swooshy.
Wait, am I allowed to answer to Kaddish during this section? Is it worse to answer if I’m not supposed to or not answer if I am supposed to?
I love these u’v’cheins. Why do people think Rosh Hashana davening is so hard? This is really fabulous.
Oh, right, mussaf. I forgot. Mussaf is much much longer than shacharis. Why do I never remember this?
Why did I wear high heels?
I can never say this psalm fast enough to recite it seven times, ugh.
Am I blocking someone’s exit by davening here?
Oh nevermind they’re squeezing by me anyways.
Okay, u’v’cheins again, good, good, these I know.
Still mussaf. Oh my gosh. No. No. Focus. It’s Rosh Hashana.
Why didn’t I review this more when I had the chance?
Sorry, shofros, I never have the stamina to really focus on you. It’s not you, it’s me.
My stomach is so itchy.
But if I rub olive oil on it I’ll just smell like salad.
Is the food warming up too much?
Next year I’m going to do better.
Photo by Chase Clark on Unsplash