Sometimes a little blend of a trailer-trash-gangsta-super-star mixed with the steady beat of Chassidic, Rabbinical giants is exactly what you need to move your own needle.
A 10-point plan for how not to marry a selfish, cruel, disrespectful jerk. Learn how to recognize a wolf in sheep's clothing.
It’s never too early—or too late—to leave the madness behind.
Remember that there is a higher reality in the world. The material here and now is not all there is. Nobody can ever be perfect in the material world, but we darn well can live life with purpose and with meaning.
When we idealize people, we give them power over us. They are big and we are small.
I act like a nervous lunatic when I encounter people who upset me in the past. Maybe I should calm down and see them as fodder for an adventure.