Because once a Lubavitcher, always a Lubavitcher. #amiright?
I spent a year with Chabad Hasidim in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. I exulted, starkly disagreed, and considered glorious possibilities—often in the same moment.
G-d is not a man. Let's get that straight. G-d isn't a woman either. G-d is a combination of the Divine feminine and the Divine masculine, which are intangible yet are manifested by humans.
Orthodox Jewish communities hurt and shun many sensitive, vibrant souls who fall beyond traditional gender expectations and identities, but I think they can do better.
From Hasidic questioners to rebellious nuns and priests, limit-pushers within tight-knit groups have a special camaraderie. I'm jealous.
The days of black and white definitions are gone. We are colorful, dynamic and full of texture -- and our connection to Gd defies all bins.