I’m Eric, And I’m Listening

I’m a comedy, fantasy and philosophy writer.  I feel like the writings of the Ari and the Zohar have something deep to tell me about who I am and what I should be doing with my life.  I’m not what is called “orthodox” because I don’t believe in a literal reading of the Torah or the writings of the rabbis – I can’t accept for example that the Australian aborigines or the Aztecs were descended from Noah’s family or that homosexuality is wrong – but I do think that what is most meaningful in life somehow slips through the net of purely secular categories. 

I came across a blog post by Elad once where he regretted either/or thinking.  I liked it a lot and I thought that that was within it a messianic yearning that gave me a lot of hope.  What if all the parts of the Jewish people could talk to one another and what if all the parts of each individual Jewish person could talk to one another?  The Ari says the soul is intrinsically a patch-work of sub-souls and fragmented entities but it has a longing for unity.  I’d like to try to make that happen. 

I also need a community of writers and readers to be in touch with – sometimes the things I write that I care most about I don’t have anybody to read.  So I’d like to try things out on this site, and to be honest, and to hear what others have to say.