The Sweetness Of Incompleteness


I/Me/Us/We are reunited
In the wide-open field that lies outside
The falsified boundaries of space-time,
Beyond-beyond the promise of all promised land.

We hunger to love the undiscovered,
We long to grow fond of wanting,
Help us remember what we have forgotten,
To flow in the unknown.

This life is a sacred gestation.
Our entire existence,
An eternal merciful
Birthing of tomorrows.

I/Me/Us/We pray
That we may taste
The sweetness of incompleteness,
To understand
That we are being sung into existence,
That the melody is in progress,
And cannot be predicted.

The best infinity,
The constellation of possibilities,
Is beyond our comprehension.

Uproot the arrogance
That leads us to think
We’ve figured out how the story ends,
When the quintessence
Of this human condition
Is not knowing what comes next.

Let us remember that everything
Makes sense and feels predestined
In past tense.

The train keeps on rolling,
The plot won’t stop unfolding.
The one thing we can count on,

Our singular guarantee,
Reaching the conclusion equals death.

Until then, it is messy and complicated.
Preferences will be amended,
Changes of heart will take place,
Clarifications will be made.
None of these are failings.

We will stumble.
May we be humble enough
To shrug off the mantle of habit
That blinds us to the awe-inducing
Efflorescence blooming
Before our faces,

May we be present enough to catch the sweet scent
Right under our noses.

Break us of expectation.
Help us kick our collective addiction to permanence,
Let every twist feel
Like blessed destiny,
Like the best-case scenario,
Like the bliss that it actually is.

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Pluck I/Me/Us/We
Out of the spirit-house
In the dead-center of night
To show us the flower sprouting
From within the flower.

This is living.
Petals spread,
Impossibly blossoming
Out of more blossoming,

This moment
Will be worth the long loneliness,
This sacred teaching
Will be worth waiting for,
And right
on time.


I wanted to make sure you had this poem in time for Rosh Chodesh Elul 5775…may we all offer our sincere prayers under the new moon…may we dance with The Shekinah.



And…your Emoji Dvar Torah…



You can purchase an instant digital download of my new album with Jaz 1, The Upward Spiral at Hevria Market.


Photo by Abraxas3d
