Diamond ring effect at the end of a total solar eclipse

We Sing Your Song / Strong In Your Majesty

Ki Lo Na’eh / Adir Bimlukha
We Sing Your Song / Strong In Your Majesty

Yours is the day, Yours is the night
Glorious All-That-Is, Breather of Life into Existence,
Your royalty is a glowing corona of brilliance
Giver of life, awakener of my mind,
I am yours in the day, I am yours in the night

Righteous in your dispensation, fearless in your might,
Your spiritual soldiers, sing:
Glorious All-That-Is, Breather of Life into Existence,
Your royalty is a glowing corona of brilliance
Giver of life, awakener of my mind,
I am yours in the day, I am yours in the night

Gentle in your dispensation, majestic in your might,
Your faithful followers, sing:
Glorious All-That-Is, Breather of Life into Existence,
Your royalty is a glowing corona of brilliance
Giver of life, awakener of my mind,
I am yours in the day, I am yours in the night

Equitable in your dispensation, measured in your might,
Your holy hearthrobs, sing:
Glorious All-That-Is, Breather of Life into Existence,
Your royalty is a glowing corona of brilliance
Giver of life, awakener of my mind,
I am yours in the day, I am yours in the night

Generous in your dispensation, awesome in your might,
Your ardent adepts, sing:
Glorious All-That-Is, Breather of Life into Existence,
Your royalty is a glowing corona of brilliance
Giver of life, awakener of my mind,
I am yours in the day, I am yours in the night

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Amazing in your dispensation, electrifying in your might,
Your desirous devotees, sing:
Glorious All-That-Is, Breather of Life into Existence,
Your royalty is a glowing corona of brilliance
Giver of life, awakener of my mind,
I am yours in the day, I am yours in the night

Celestial in your dispensation, sanctified in your might,
Your adoring angels, sing:
Glorious All-That-Is, Breather of Life into Existence,
Your royalty is a glowing corona of brilliance
Giver of life, awakener of my mind,
I am yours in the day, I am yours in the night

Powerful in your dispensation, providential in your might,
Your infinite innocent, sing:
Glorious All-That-Is, Breather of Life into Existence,
Your royalty is a glowing corona of brilliance
Giver of life, awakener of my mind,
I am yours in the day, I am yours in the night


Photo: “Sun at 9:16 am…” by Erwyn van der Meer 
“Diamond ring effect at the end of a total solar eclipse as seen somewhere on the central line between Chengdy and Chongquing in Sichuan, China.”