Ohevet / Lover-Woman

And who would be healer,
if not her?

Who, if not she who teaches
the open secret
of revealed intimacy?

What miracle cure
can there be
above the return to—
and transcendence of—
one’s own body?

What prayer more palliative than,

this is a private conversation
between me
and my physical being
and infinity,

this is my mystery
to begin unraveling,

this is my pleasure to seek,
my love to discover,

my spin to
lean into,

my resistance
to press against,

my angel
to wrestle,

my wholeness,

my holy temple,
my flesh,

my breath to follow,

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my presence to be presencing?

Precious qedesha,
devotional witch doctor,
whose worship

takes the form of
ecstatic celestial remedy,

who sings,
come to me,
I hunger beyond longing,

who is every anemone
readied nerve ending
seventh heartbeat




Poem #6 in the Priestess Path Cycle / Kohenet Netivot Sidrah.


With thanks to Rav Kohanot Jill Hammer and Taya Ma for The Hebrew Priestess.


Photo: “From All The Medicine” by Carmen Jost