dreamed everyone in my office was orthodox and i
disappointed them not through anything i said
but by not saying enough being the court buffoon sucks
you dry eventually you learn to start sucking back
for nazis i’m a great excuse i have all the money
they don’t but i am disgusting too
sometimes i walk down the street doing nothing but being
stared at a stain invisible to
me? something stupid i said? maybe a zipper unzipped that i
didn’t even know exists no, i just look jewish
everybody secretly wants to pick their nose so when someone does
we are all of us repulsed
williamsburg is a town of nosepickers
boro park is a town of nosepickers
monsey is nose pickers in the country
where everybody does it alone in the woods
and no one sees
in crown heights nobody picks their nose
but they run to the bathroom and dig and dig
like nobody’s business
my last time at a dance club i was turned
away c’mon said the bouncer this isn’t for you
& i knew i’d turned from weirdo to jew
not that the night
had been taken from me
but that i might take it
from them
photo by Smabs Sputzer.