Chaya examines her self-pity, self-criticism, and more in this post about the mental health issues that can stop us from being our true, holy selves.
Eve lives inside my skin...she is primal, she is woman, she is curious, she is new, she is wild...Eve is not "The fallen slut that caused all the trouble," though oversimplifications of texts would have us believe that.
A poem about yearning for the soul of the soul, for the collective that erases the one, for the wholeness of oneness within the collective, for Gd inside and out.
Like an alcoholic I feel like saying, "It's after Yom Kippur somewhere", as I crack open my spirit once again. Maybe I should stop. I've had over thirty Yom Kippurs already and I need to drive home.
Like Harry Potter, he showed us that we were special, not because we were born with this secret legacy, being Jewish, but because of what we chose to do with it.
You went off to some island. You spent all day speaking in tongues to a king. There was plenty of food and too many people. Now what?