Welcoming a new Kabbalistic paradigm of consciousness.
The Rebbe’s prescription for getting close to Gd: mitzvahs.
Their faces twitched. Their eyes fluttered. So did mine. Everyone's do. I didn't look at the clock, I simply existed in the moment in a room full of young girls, six years my junior. So much to see and do, so much to understand. I truly felt a moment of utter oneness, even if just for a few moments.
Revelations through summer camp, mu shu vegetables, and cheap sunglasses.
Mindfulness and all that stuff is nice, but what about when the moment, er, kind of blows?
Why I break out of my routine every year to immerse myself in the stories and wisdom of the people who have sacrificed for our country.
I woke up in utter confusion, my body half-off the bed, my mind buzzing with questions.
Apparently humans are the only animals that plan ahead for the future. At least that’s been the conventional belief. Recent...