Reuven Chaim Moshe Ben Moshe Chaim Reuven stared out the pod bay window. Another distant planet disappeared out of view, and he let out a sigh. His ship, the Nebuchadnezzar, stabilized and went into hyperdrive. Shabbos was coming, he thought.
My parents Abe and Sara wanted to be radical and change everything. But my rebellion was just being normal. Or at least, that’s what you would think if you saw me.
Jacob brings Leah the idea of opening their relationship to Rachel.
“G-d needs us to believe in Him,” Rev. Vince extols us, “just like you need someone to believe in you.”
A short story about love and loyalty and depression.
A #longread story: The world finally realized that religion was the source of all their problems. So they outlawed it. This is what happened next.
An imagined glimpse into a barista's inner life. Because everyone needs someone with whom to drink coffee.
A South Beach story about a desperate old man with a desperate plan who meets the perfect candidate to make everything alright.
It was the last chicken in Brooklyn. Well, the last one that was still clucking.