We are fish benumbed by the commonplace of our individual bowls.
Chai Elul Sameach! A message for you from the angels on this auspicious day.
Eve lives inside my skin...she is primal, she is woman, she is curious, she is new, she is wild...Eve is not "The fallen slut that caused all the trouble," though oversimplifications of texts would have us believe that.
Everybody’s fighting something. Or they’re not growing.
Mom could be half way to that higher world, like someone having a mystical experience or an NDE. The difference is that her altered state began gradually, and never stops.
A layoff happens, and all I can think is, did I put my trust in the wrong person? Was I not watching the road? Who was in the driver's seat all this time?
I heard an other-worldly voice call out a word I needed a Hebrew-English Dictionary to translate...and what it means about the way we learn & teach & live Torah.